Casino Games

Jackpot City is the ultimate in casino gaming entertainment. Jackpot City has over 500 of the best online casino games, and who doesn’t love enjoying them in a safe and regulated environment? Now add in welcome bonuses and offers, the hottest blackjack games, secure banking facilities and the best customer service, and you have a first-class gaming experience!

Check the Legality of Online Casinos in the Philippines

Check the Legality of Online Casinos in the Philippines

The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) was established in 2016 to regulate offshore and local gaming activities in the Philippines. Online casinos operating in the Philippines must obtain a license from PAGCOR and pay the associated fees, and operators are required to prioritize the interests of Filipino citizens.

The Philippines is the only country in Asia that issues gaming licenses to online operators, and its strict regulatory framework has attracted many high-quality casinos to set up here. One of PAGCOR's goals is to eliminate illegal gaming activities that were prevalent before 2016. Its mission includes the following aspects:

- Online Casino Licensing: Ensure that all operators hold legitimate licenses.

- Government Cooperation: Work with government departments to ensure the legal operation of the gaming industry.

- Responsible Gaming and Safety: Promote responsible gaming practices and ensure the safety of players.

- License Verification: Regularly review the operating qualifications of online casinos.

Through these measures, PAGCOR ensures that the online casino industry in the Philippines operates in a legal, safe and responsible environment.

Payment Method

At Jackpot City, we understand the importance of secure and convenient transactions. That’s why we’ve partnered with the most trusted and widely used payment platform in the Philippines.



GCash provides a convenient payment solution for Philippine casino players, allowing them to deposit and withdraw funds securely and quickly.



PayMaya provides safe and secure payment solutions for online casinos, allowing players to make deposits and withdrawals.

Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer

Players can easily withdraw funds from online casinos via bank transfer, providing a safe and secure withdrawal method.

The payment methods for online casinos in the Philippines mainly include GCash, PayMaya and Transfer Bank. The following is a brief description and summary of each payment method:


GCash is one of the most popular mobile wallets in the Philippines, launched by Globe Telecom. Users can perform various financial transactions through mobile applications, including paying bills, transferring money, shopping and online payments.


PayMaya is another major mobile wallet service in the Philippines, supported by PLDT and Smart Communications. Similar to GCash, PayMaya also provides a wide range of financial services, including payments and transfers.

Transfer Bank

Traditional bank transfers are still a common payment method for many online casino players. Funds are transferred directly through bank accounts.


GCash and PayMaya are favored by many online casino players due to their convenience and fast transaction characteristics. Both provide a good user experience and multi-level security protection, suitable for players who need to deposit and withdraw funds quickly.

Although bank transfers take a long time to process, they are still the first choice for many players due to their high security and reliability. Especially suitable for large transactions and users with higher security requirements.

Overall, GCash and PayMaya are more suitable for players who need efficient and fast transactions, while bank transfers are more suitable for large transactions and transactions with higher security requirements.

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